Participants are required to make photo albums reflecting the reserves 'eco-systems and promote their albums online. 该项目要求参与者制作出反映保护区生态系统的相片集,并在网上推广自己的相册。
The required reserve ratio ( or reserve requirement) is a bank regulation that sets the minimum reserves each bank must hold to customer deposits and notes. 银行存款准备金率其实就是银行不能动用的储户存款率。
Many of the top analysts who cover the Chinese economy predicted that the central bank would loosen policy by cutting banks 'required reserves in January. 许多研究中国经济的顶级分析师曾预测,今年1月中国央行会下调银行存款准备金率,从而放松货币政策。
Earlier in the year the PBoC also cut the required reserve ratio-the amount of cash reserves some lenders must hold-for some banks that lend to small businesses and the rural economy. 2014年早些时候,对于向小型企业和农村经济放贷的部分银行,中国央行还曾其存款准备金率。所谓存款准备金率,是指部分放贷机构必须持有的现金储备量所占的比例。
This would confirm that the central bank has only allowed a faint relaxation of monetary policy despite cutting banks 'required reserves last month. 这将证实中国央行只允许小幅放松货币政策的说法,尽管上月央行下调了存款准备金率。
The money it can lend and invest, at any moment, is its excess of cash and bank balances over required reserves and minimum cash requirements. 银行在任何时候所贷出去的货币及投资,是超过法定存款准备金和最低现金规定的现金和银行存款余额。
However, the bank said on its website that the current required reserves for rural credit cooperatives ( including rural cooperative banks) will remain unchanged. 然而,央行在其网站表示农村信用合作社(括农村信用合作银行)存款准备金率维持当前水平不变。
Banks suffered on the prospect of being required to set aside more money in reserves and having less to lend to customers. 银行类股因可能需要拨出更多的准备金,从而导致发放给客户的贷款量减少而下跌。
Although the possibility of an interest-rate cut is seen as remote, he said that China could lower the portion of deposits that banks are required to lock up as reserves as early as December. 他表示,尽管降息的可能性被认为较小,但中国最早可能在12月下调银行存款准备金率。
Visa applicants are not generally required to attend for an interview, however the visa office reserves the right to request an applicant to attend for interview on a case-by-case basis. 签证申请人一般不会被要求参加面试,但是鉴于各个案例情况不尽相同,签证处保留要求申请人参加面试的权利。
Xia, a former vice governor of the central bank, also said that the country could afford to further raise required reserves. 夏,前任中央银行副行长,同时还表示中国可能还会进一步提高储备金率。
If class sizes in any course do not meet required minimums, Institute of Commercial Education NZ reserves the right to cancel the course. 如果学员人数无法达到课程最小需求,新西兰商学院保留取消该课程的权利。
Wrestling with its highest inflation since 2008, China has raised interest rates four times and banks 'required reserves nine times in nine months. 中国正竭力遏制2008年以来的最高通胀水平,官方已4次加息,并在9个月内9次上调银行存款准备金率。
Any excess of actual reserves above required reserves. 实际储备量超过了要求的储备。
The Chinese central bank has trimmed banks 'required reserves and also used its open-market operations to inject more cash in the economy, reducing banks' funding costs. 中国央行已小幅下调了银行存款准备金率,还通过公开市场操作向经济注入了更多现金,降低了各银行的融资成本。
As one of the three major tools for monetary policy, required reserves policy is violent, time-delay and passive, etc in characteristics. 存款准备金政策作为货币政策三大工具之一,具有猛烈性、时滞性和被动性等特点。
China has tightened monetary policy by expanding the base used to calculate banks 'required reserves in a move aimed at curbing off-balance-sheet lending. 中国已采取行动收紧货币政策,具体做法是扩大银行存款准备金的缴存范围,此举意在遏制表外放贷。
The State Council has required a cut in excessive reserves and good management of the funds accumulated, including diversification of investments. 国务院已经提出来要减少外汇储备的过度积累,对于已经积累的部分一定要管好,其中一条就是要多样化。
Since 1990, the Central Banks lowered or canceled required reserves rate in many western nations, such as the United States, Canada, Switzerland, New Zealand, the Australia, and zero reserves rate is becoming a kind of trend. 进入九十年代以来,许多西方国家,如美国、加拿大、瑞士、新西兰、澳大利亚等国的央行都降低或取消了法定准备金率,零资金积累金率正成为一种趋势。
What is the economic and financial background to lower or cancel required reserves rate? 降低或取消法定准备金率所依据的经济金融背景是什么,在这方面我国与西方国家有何不同?
Indeed, the Central Bank failed in adjusting the rate of required reserves. 中央银行对基础货币的管理与稳定宏观经济的目标不完全一致,对法定准备率的调整实际上也不起作用。
Good water quality is required in order to increase the waterflooding efficiency and producible reserves of a reservoir, which can get the balance between the higher injectivity/ productivity and lower formation damage in the heterogeneous reservoir. 好的注入水既能实现注采平衡、保持地层压力,也不会对储层渗流物性及其非均质性产生较大影响,以提高油层水驱效率,石油储量动用程度,获得较好的开发效果。
Review on Increasing the Ratio of Required Reserves 提高法定存款准备金比率评述
Inflation rate was higher than the expectation in 2011, so the central bank raised the interest rate twice and adjusted required reserves several times. 2011年来我国通胀的超预期,央行已经连续两次降息,多次上调存款准备金。
This paper mainly analyzes and calculates the required RMB gold reserves in these three phases. 本文重点分析并计算了这三个阶段人民币国际化所需要的黄金储备量。
The analysis of money supply shows that the use of credit cards will reduce the amounts of base money including currency, required deposit reserves and extra deposit reserves, and raise the money supplier, which combine to result in the increase of money supply. 对货币供给的分析结果表明,信用卡的使用将减少流通中的现金、法定存款准备金、超额存款准备金等基础货币的数量,增大货币乘数,从而将导致货币供给的增加。